a) SEM micrograph of the nanocomposite material; b) the respective X-ray spectrum showing the main elements Fe, O and C

a) SEM micrograph of the nanocomposite material; b) the respective X-ray spectrum showing the main elements Fe, O and C

Source: BAM, Materials Protection and Surface Technology Division

Efficient treatment of wastewaters is important to maintain adequate surface water quality. This requires the removal of persistent organic pollutants, such as Bisphenol A. In this work existing Advanced Oxidation Processes have been further improved. Exploiting the photocatalytic activity of magnetic nanoparticles, functionalized with γ-cyclodextrin, either directly or via a chitosan thin layer, allows for the removal of bisphenol A under mild conditions. The study provides new insights for the employment of eco-friendly, safe and cost-effective procedures for the removal of hazardous pollutants from wastewaters.

Photocatalysis of γ–cyclodextrin-functionalised Fe3O4 nanoparticles for degrading Bisphenol A in polluted waters
Mariana Neamţu A, Claudia Nădejde, Vasile-Dan Hodoroabă B , Rudolf J. Schneider B , Gabriel Ababei C and Ulrich Panne. Environmental Chemistry, Vol. 16(2), pages 125-136, 2019
BAM, Division Materials Protection and Surface Technology and Division Environmental Analysis