Mathias Minack

Mathias Minack handling a throwing device for transport containers

Source: BAM

"We give more weight to safety."

Interview with Mathias Minack, division Safety of Transport Containers

How long have you been working for BAM and what are your responsibilities?

I worked for BAM from 1991 to 1995 and then from March 2000 until now – which means a total of two decades. My duties as an engineer in particular have been planning and executing drop tests on containers for radioactive materials as well as the design and development of the necessary testing technology.

BAM’s mission statement says: "We are working for a strong safety culture in Germany and safety standards that meet our future’s highest requirements." What contribution do you make to safety in technology and chemistry with your work?

My work helps ensure that the transport and handling of containers for radioactive materials can be built strong enough to protect humans and the environment and are perfectly safe in case of accidents.

What has been your most exciting task or most exciting project?

The biggest challenge for me has been at the BAM Technical Safety Test Site planning and constructing BAM’s large drop test facility for testing containers up to 200 tonnes.

What do you love about your work? What inspires you?

My work as an engineer provides me daily with new and complex technical tasks and new challenges. When performing these tasks, my internal desire is to come up with optimum solutions using my engineering skills in the interest of technical and public safety. Achieving something for the people and the environment – this is my motivation.

What are the three most important conditions for knowledge transfer and cooperation within BAM for you?

Communication, networking and collegiality.

What would you answer to an applicant’s question: "Why is it worthwhile working for BAM?"

Research into safety counts as the biggest tasks we can have. Being able to play a part in it every day, fills one with pride. BAM provides the most exciting jobs in this area.

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